TTT is hosted, as always, by The Broke and The Bookish. Today’s topic is: Top Ten Books for People Who Like X Book. I chose The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It’s doubtful you’ll see a review of this book on Isleofbooks. It’s been some years since I read it and as my current goal is to finish reading all the books I have and haven’t read, rereads are a long way off. That said, I really love this book.

Late one night, exploring her father’s library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters. The letters are all addressed to “My dear and unfortunate successor,” and they plunge her into a world she never dreamed of – a labyrinth where the secrets of her father’s past and her mother’s mysterious fate connect to an inconceivable evil hidden in the depths of history.

The letters provide links to one of the darkest powers that humanity has ever known – and to a centuries-long quest to find the source of that darkness and wipe it out. It is a quest for the truth about Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler whose barbarous reign formed the basis of the legend of Dracula. Now one young woman must decide whether to take up this quest herself – to follow her father in a hunt that nearly brought him to ruin years ago, when he was a vibrant young scholar and her mother was still alive.

What does the legend of Vlad the Impaler have to do with the modern world? Is it possible that the Dracula of myth truly existed – and that he has lived on, century after century, pursuing his own unknowable ends? The answer to these questions cross time and borders, as first the father and then the daughter search for clues, from dusty Ivy League libraries to Istanbul, Budapest, and the depths of Eastern Europe. In city after city, in monasteries and archives, in letters and in secret conversations, the horrible truth emerges about Vlad the Impaler’s dark reign – and about a time-defying pact that may have kept his awful work alive down through the ages.

Parsing obsure signs and hidden texts, reading codes worked into the fabric of medieval monastic traditions – and evading the unknown adversaries who will go to any lengths to conceal and protect Vald’s ancient powers – one woman comes every closer to the secret of her own past and a confrontation with the very definition of evil.

Without further ado, here is my list!

1. Dracula by Bram Stoker.

-I’d be remiss if I didn’t recommend this book. Not the first fiction book about vampires, but definitely the first to cement the Dracula legend.

2. The Passage 

-Another of my absolute favorites. This is a chunky book like The Historian, but it moves fast. Love the modern take on vampires.

3. The Strain Trilogy by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan

-Watch for a review of the entire series later this week! Somewhat like the passage, this series posits vampirism as a virus. Titles include The Strain, The Fall, and The Night Eternal.

4. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

-What good list of vampire books doesn’t include this series? Anne Rice was writing about vampires before Twilight made it cool.

5. Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz

-Speaking of Twilight, here’s another YA vampire series. I admit, other than the Twilight series, I haven’t read much at all of the market saturation of YA vampire novels. I happen to like these, but no idea how they stack up to the numerous others.

6. I am Legend by Richard Matheson

-This is a vampire book, but I tend to think it of it more as a zombie book. Anyways, it’s worth a read.

7. Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino

-Okay, technically I haven’t read this. But I watched the show! And the show was awesome! So since manga > its anime counterpart, these must be extra awesome. Makes sense, right?

8. Mina by Elaine Bergstrom

-Typically, I don’t like books the purport to be sequels of other books that weren’t written by the same person. But I did actually like this one.

9. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

-I never resist a chance to promote this book. Not about vampires, but the writing has a similar tonal quality to The Historian.

10. Interred with their Bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell

-I really love historical fiction thrillers. E.G. The Historian. E.G. Interred with their Bones. This one’s about Shakespeare.

And no, I don’t watch True Blood or read the Sookie Stackhouse books.

8 responses to “TTT: Books for People Who Liked The Historian”

  1. Nicole O Avatar

    I like this list – because I love “The Historian” and, aside from the Anne Rice books, I actually haven’t read any of the others. So, since I’m always on the lookout for book recs, I’m very happy now. 🙂

    I also don’t watch True Blood or read the Sookie Stackhouse books, apparently there are books for The Vampire Diaries too (?), so I bet I’ll like what you suggested.

    1. Shannon Avatar

      Yes I heard about the vampire diaries, though I’ve neither read nor watch that show.

  2. renee Avatar

    I might have to check out “The Historian,” especially if it’s similar to “The Shadow of the Wind,” which I loved.

  3. Vikk @ Down the Writer's Path Avatar

    Enjoyed reading your list. You’ve reminded me that I need to drag out that book and read it–The HIstorian. I’ve read a few of the books on your list and a couple are new to me.

  4. […] the original here: TTT: Books for People Who Liked The Historian « isleofbooks This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged chunky-book, dracula, fiction-book, first, […]

  5. Danielle Avatar

    I very much enjoyed the Historian a few years ago when I read it. But like you, there are so many new books to read it’s hard to start re-reads!

    I’m not as big into the whole vampire series, but the last book you listed (Interred With Their Bones) sounds very interesting, I’ll have to check it out!

  6. Literary Tiger Avatar

    I enjoyed the Historian, too. I got a little long in some parts . . . but still. I liked it. 🙂 I love The Shadow of the Wind and Dracula. I’ve never read Vampire Knight, but now I think I will take a look. 🙂

    1. Shannon Avatar

      Yea I read it on vacation so I didn’t really mind the long parts haha.

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Author of Multi-Genre Fiction

Writing as Shannon Lynn Fox and S.L. Fox

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